18-19 March 2024, in Brussels (Atelier des Tanneurs)

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The purpose of the meeting was to share with a wide range of stakeholders the knowledge and outcomes developed by the Smart Rural 27 project on ‘creating a more effective Smart Villages support framework’. During the event, discussions included sharing and discussing outcomes of the analytical work on the CAP and other policies, as well as lessons from the work of the Pilot European Smart Villages Observatory and from working with smart rural communities. The event also aimed to discuss the Future of the Smart Villages, focusing on what support is needed for effective Smart Villages support and how the work of the Pilot European Smart Villages Observatory activities will continue. 

Event venue & Livestreaming

The event took place at Ateliers des Tanneurs, in Brussels.
For those who were unable to attend in person, select sessions of the FINAL CONFERENCE OF THE SMART RURAL 27 PROJECT were livestreamed on the following Smart Rural 27 YouTube links and are now available for viewing




Download the PDF version here.

Day 1, 18 March 2024, Lessons from Smart Rural 27 project
TimingAgenda item
12:00 - 13:00Registration of participants (coffee & snacks)
13:00 - 14:00Hosts: Ed Thorpe & Edina Ocsko TO BE LIVESTREAMED

  • Welcome by the European Commission, Margaret Bateson-Missen (DG AGRI)

  • Introduction to the Smart Rural 27 project & the event, Edina Ocsko (SR27)

14:00 - 14:45Working with rural communities through Smart Rural 27 TO BE LIVESTREAMED

Presentations by Smart Rural 27 Lighthouse examples & Renewable Energy Knowledge Cluster

Fritz Pichler (Stanz, AT)
Mette Adolfsson (Häradsbäck, SE)
Katri Lindberg (Raudanmaa, FI)
Aymeric Seron, Lila Plet, Louisia Georges-Rieu (Lormes, FR)
Kyriakos Kareklas (Athienou, CY)
Michael Kristensen (Samso, DK)
Robert Fekete (Olaszfa, HU) & Nicola Zanca (Gaiba, IT)
14:45 - 15:15Coffee break
15:15 - 16:00Smart Rural 27 outcomes on improving Smart Village Policies TO BE LIVESTREAMED
National Smart Rural 27 Taskforces:

Michael Fischer (AT)
Xavier Delmon (BE-Wallonia)
Makis Papamichael (CY)
Rut Bizkova (CZ)
Kim Smedslund (FI)
Miklos Maacz (HU)
Pat Kennedy (IE)
Zanda Dimanta-Svilpe (LV)
Andrzej Halasiewicz (PL)
Magda Porta (PT)

Outcomes of the SR27 European Green Deal research & Digital Services Knowledge Cluster:

Jane Feeney (Ecolise)
Lutz Kubitschke (empirica)
16:00 - 17:30Smart Villages Marketplace:

  1. Policy outcomes: Poster session

  2. Smart Rural Communities’ stands

17:30 - 17:45Concluding the day & What to expect tomorrow TO BE LIVESTREAMED
19:15Dinner (Les Ateliers des Tanneurs)

Day 2, 19 March 2024, What can be done to make Smart Villages happen
TimingAgenda item
8:30 - 8:45Introduction to the Purpose of the Day, How to implement Smart Villages more effectively?, Edina Ocsko, (SR27 Project Coordinator) TO BE LIVESTREAMED
8:45 - 10:00Dialogue on the Smart Villages support framework: TO BE LIVESTREAMED

Dialogue on the Smart Villages implementation framework

10:00 - 10:15Why Smart Villages is a crucial policy tool for rural areas Franc Bogovič (MEP) TO BE LIVESTREAMED
10:15 - 10:30Introduction to the workshops TO BE LIVESTREAMED
10:30 - 11:00Coffee break
11:00 - 12:30Round 1: What knowledge and experience we can build on: Examples of inspiring Smart Villages support & discussion

  1. Supporting Smart Villages through the CAP Strategic Plans: Working with CAP Managing Authorities for an improved support framework through the CAP. Read the discussion paper of the workshop here.

  2. Supporting Smart Villages through LEADER: working with MAs, LAGs & other stakeholder to create better synergies between Smart Villages & LEADER. Read the discussion paper of the workshop here.

  3. Capacity-building on Smart Villages through the work of the CAP Networks’ activities. Read the discussion paper of the workshop here.

  4. The wider Smart Villages support framework: How to support Smart Villages through a wide range of policies, as called for under the Rural Pact? Read the discussion paper of the workshop here.

  5. Resilient & sustainable communities (1): Building environmentally & socially sustainable communities. Read the discussion paper of the workshop here.

  6. Resilient & sustainable communities (2): Building sustainable communities with support of digital technology. Read the discussion paper of the workshop here.

12:30 - 13:30Lunch
13:30 - 14:30Round 2: Working on recommendations: Practical support for the implementation of Smart Villages
[Same workshop groups as above]
14:30 - 15:30Presentation on the outcomes of workshop discussions & Reflections for the future by Panel and Audience TO BE LIVESTREAMED

Reflection on the future of Smart Villages by Panel:

Pawel Krzeczunowicz (CAP Network, PL), Radim Sršeň (Ministry or Regional Development, CZ), Michael Kristensen (Samso, DK), Tom Jones (ERCA), Ellen Lundkvist (LEADER Gute, SE)
15:30 - 15:45Concluding remarks by Mihail Dumitru (DG AGRI) and Edina Ocsko (SR27)TO BE LIVESTREAMED

Accommodation and travel information

Please read here the practical information dealing with accomodation and relevant travel information


Please read here the Report of the Final Conference resuming the main outcomes
