The Smart Rural 27 Project

The 2nd Preparatory Action on Smart Rural Areas in the 21st Century (shortly called Smart Rural 27 project) was launched by the European Commission in December 2020 with the aim to “prepare Member States and rural communities for the implementation of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) post-2020 as well as other EU policies and initiatives, which could potentially support the emergence of additional Smart Villages across the European Union”.

The Smart Rural 27 project strongly builds on previous ‘smart’ actions, such as the Smart Eco-social Villages Pilot Project and the Smart Rural 21 project.

The European Smart Villages Observatory is a platform where relevant stakeholders at local, regional, national and European levels are mobilised around the theme of Smart Villages to improve support and policy. Learn more here.

Smart  Villages policy support instruments are being developed in various European, national and regional policy contexts. The Smart Rural 27 project will both aim to map and help advancing a supportive Smart Villages policy framework.  Learn more here.

The Smart Rural map is an interactive geomapping tool that will allow identifying smart rural communities across Europe. Communities will be identified based on specific ‘smart’ criteria. Information will be shared about each of the smart communities, including both quantitative and qualitative information. Learn more here.

The Smart Solutions Database gives access to a wide range of innovative practices adaptable to various local contexts. Learn more here.