CAP Strategic Plans analysis

Analysis of CAP Strategic Plans in all Member States was carried out in order to identify whether and how Smart Villages are programmed for the period of 2023-2027.

A Synthesis Report on Smart Villages in the CAP Strategic Plans has been developed based on the individual CAP Strategic Plans’ analysis (see below). The Synthesis Report is expected to be published as a formal EU publication.

Policy Lighthouse examples

Two policy lighthouse cases have also been developed to improve our understanding on the specific implementation of relevant interventions (including the design of interventions, calls and selection criteria) in the CAP Strategic Plans in Austria and in Lithuania.



Read the Austrian Smart Villages Policy Lighthouse.






Read the Lithuanian Smart Villages Policy Lighthouse.


National Smart Villages analysis

Ultimately, the design of the various policies and programmes – and the specific support framework for Smart Villages – depends on the programme and policy design in various Member States and regions. The Smart Rural 27 project explored how the Smart Villages concept is operationalised and has been supported in the various country contexts. More Smart Villages information (including the CAP Factsheets and Taskforce Action plans where available) – on how CAP, National Rural Networks/ CAP Networks and other policies are supporting Smart Villages – are displayed at the individual country pages. You can visit the country pages or download the English and/or national language versions of the CAP Strategic Plan factsheets by clicking the links below.