Smart Villages Taskforces are supported by national experts to contribute to improving the Smart Villages support and policy framework at regional or/and national levels. Taskforces have specific and practical goals – defined in Taskforce action plans – for improving a specific policy area or support action of Smart Villages. They serve as platforms to exchange ideas between national, regional and local stakeholders. In particular, taskforces aim to improve the interaction among various funds and policymakers from various policy fields (CAP Managing Authorities; Managing Authorities of other EU programmes, e.g. Cohesion Policy; CAP Networks, etc.).  

National Smart Villages Taskforces are running in Austria, Belgium-Wallonia, Bulgaria, Czechia, Cyprus, Finland, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia, Poland and Portugal.

National Smart Villages Taskforce in Austria

In the Austrian CAP Strategic Plan three different interventions are to be used for implementing the Smart Village (SV) approach: the major strand is LEADER, there is also a CAP intervention for village-and city-center development (vacancy managements) as well as a CAP intervention designated to establish and operate regional innovation systems (innovation broker/enabler). The focus of the Taskforce was to clarify how to communicate about these three anchors and their management for SV amongst the broader (rural) development system in Austria. Styria – an active Austrian province – was involved as pilot to identify how to support LEADER LAGs and the villages in planning and implementing Smart Village initiatives, with a special focus on village center development.

Read the taskforce Action plan here
Read more about SV policies in Austria here

Check the summary poster of the taskforce activities here

13 Dec 2022
1st Taskforce meeting
Initial kick-off meeting with taskforce stakeholders

The initial taskforce meeting was mainly about informing participating stakeholders about the context of the Smart Rural Project and the role of the taskforce. All invited stakeholders agreed on setting up a taskforce and on common aims that should be worked on.
Read the report here.

13 Feb 2023
1st Workshop
Workshop with Styrian Taskforce members on SV

Styria acts as the regional branch of the taskforce. With its special emphasis on village center development, Styria pilots the connection of the Smart Village approach to a thematically focused development process at the regional level. During the meeting, the Styrian Village Center Coordinator explained the Styrian governance approach for village center development. Together planning activities started with special focus on a LEADER Workshop.

22 May 2023
2nd Taskforce meeting
Discussing the pilot analysis of Styrian LEADER LDS

One of the main agenda points of the second taskforce meeting was presenting and discussing the pilot analysis of 16 Styrian LEADER LDSs on the uptake of the Smart Villages concept. Additionally the Styrian taskforce members introduced their Smart Governance approach for strengthening village centers.

24 May 2023
2nd Workshop
Capacity-building event for LAGs & regional managers

This workshop, with approximately 40 LAG managers and regional managers of the federal province of Styria, aimed at providing clarification of the Smart Village concept, sharing views about roles and responsibilities and informing about the special approach in Styria for smart municipal/ city center development. See the full agenda here. It also unveiled potential for supporting LAGs and regional managers in their roles. Read the workshop report and lessons learnt here.

May- Aug 2023
LEADER LDS analysis
Analysis on LEADER Local Development Strategies

An analysis was conducted on 83 LEADER Local Development Strategies (LDSs) under the CAP 2023-2027. The method involved a systematic content analysis of the dedicated chapter on Smart Villages within LDSs. The fact that 82 of 83 Austrian LDSs contain the Smart Villages approach highlighted the strategic importance of Smart Villages initiatives, especially in inter-municipal cooperation. Read more about the LDS analysis here

3 Oct 2023
3rd Taskforce meeting
Future taskforce activities & developments in Styria

During the 3rd taskforce meeting, discussions focused on taskforce activities, particularly developments in Styria, and planning for the future. Digitalisation, explored through the Smart Village Observatory, was a key topic. The meeting also addressed translating the EU definition for Smart Villages into the Austrian context and clarified governance roles, emphasising the necessity of cooperation for village center development. Read the meeting report here.

11 Dec 2023
4th Taskforce Meeting
The Austrian Ministry's Three-Pillar Strategy

In the 4th taskforce meeting, the Austrian Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Regions, and Water Management presented upcoming Smart Village approaches. Collaborating with the research promotion agency FFG and the CAP Network, the ministry outlined a three-pillar strategy to enhance the Smart Village approach within the CAP Strategic Plan (including good practices, an innovation platform for public procurement, and a Smart Village Lab). The ministry's will keep the taskforce updated on further developments. Read the meeting report here.

National Smart Villages Taskforce in Belgium (Wallonia)

The initial purpose of the Taskforce in Wallonia was to analyse and disseminate the experience acquired in the Walloon context by key Smart Villages actors – such as LAGs, Economic Development Agencies and Digital Wallonia – to rural actors unfamiliar with the process / approach, and to prepare them to the future call for “smart territories” projects launched by Digital Wallonia in 2022. Through the work of the Taskforce, the gradual networking of the main rural actors concerned by the Smart Villages approach has made it possible to identify/ define/ specify the challenges to be met.

Read the taskforce Action plan here
Read more about SV policies in Belgium-Wallonia here

Check the summary poster of the taskforce activities here

1 Apr 2022
1st Taskforce meeting
Smart Rural in Wallonia: Diagnosis & challenges 1

The meeting aimed to refine the pre-identified smart development issues for rural territories and possibly produce a white paper and/or define specific orientations in terms of smart development of rural territories. It also created the possibility for participants to network around the Smart Villages theme.

22 Apr 2022
2nd Taskforce meeting
Smart Rural in Wallonia: Diagnosis & challenges 2

The meeting aimed at the co-production of a roadmap on the smart needs of territories and rural stakeholders and the continuation of the networking of rural development actors around the smart rural theme.

18 May 2022
3rd Taskforce meeting
Smart Rural in Wallonia - Synthesis of challenges

During this meeting participants continued their work on the roadmap on the smart needs of territories and rural stakeholders as well as networking around the smart rural theme. The meeting also aimed at the identification of good practices and their promotion for replication elsewhere in Wallonia.

28 November 2022
4th Taskforce meeting
Smart Rural in Europe - Presentation on outcomes

The meeting aimed at presenting European news, in particular those of the Smart Rural 21 project's Final Conference. The participants were informed of the results of the project and many references and activities carried out by the different territories supported by this project were provided to participants. 

30 March 2023
Notebook on Smart territories by the National Rural Network

The Smart Territories Notebook - building on the Smart Rural project results and the outcomes of the taskforce working groups in 2022 - was produced by the Rural Network of Wallonia.

Oct 2023
Call for projects
The call for "smart territories" projects

The call for projects “smart territories, a perspective which notably justifies the work of the TF, was finally launched at the end of August 2022. It mobilises field stakeholders until October 13. 

National Smart Villages Taskforce in Bulgaria

The Smart Villages LAB (Taskforce) In Bulgaria was dedicated to improve the understanding among key stakeholders for supporting, introducing and implementing the Smart Villages concept, in particular through the LEADER/CLLD approach, and through improving the design and implementation of the Bulgarian CAP Strategic Plan and other EU policies. The main purpose of the taskforce was to underline the importance of the SV concept and to stress and advocate for the use of the CAP and other recources to support Smart Villages.

Read the taskforce Action plan here
Read more about SV policies in Bulgaria here

11 Apr 2022
1st Taskforce meeting
Launching the Bulgarian Taskforce

The meeting aimed to introduce the concept and launch the Smart Villages Lab (Taskforce in Bulgaria) and to agree on the vision, timeline and mission of the Taskforce with key stakeholders. See the Agenda and read the Meeting Report.

8 June 2022
2nd Taskforce meeting
Advocacy Campaign for Smart Villages

The 2nd Taskforce meeting aimed to launch an advocacy campaign for introducing Smart Villages in Bulgaria as well as presented possible policy instruments to support Smart Villages. Read Meeting Report.

5 Jul 2022
3rd Taskforce meeting
Introducing Smart Villages in Bulgaria

The meeting aimed at launching the process of introducing the SV concept in Bulgaria. Discussions started on the basic approaches & communication channels for advocacy campaign implementation. A decision was taken to set up an NRN Thematic Group on Smart Villages for developing SV proposals within the CAP SP. Read Meeting Report here.

28 Jun & 29 Sept 2022
NRN meetings
Smart Villages sessions in cooperation with NRN

Two Smart Villages meetings were organised by the Bulgarian National Rural Network (NRN) in collaboration with the national expert. The 1st meeting (28/06) aimed to  introduce the SV concept, the 2nd meeting aimed to discuss the inclusion of SV in Bulgaria.

26 Oct 2022
4th Taskforce meeting
Reviewing progress, smart projects & villages

During the meeting various topics were discussed, including feedback from Smart Rural projects and villages (such as SR27 geomapping tool villages – Smilyan and Sitovo). Feedback from the joint activities and the state-of-play of an advocacy campaign were also discussed. Read Meeting Report.

16 Jan 2023
5th Taskforce meeting
The Smart Villages concept & advocacy

During this meeting the Taskforce discussed  the possibility to develop a Smart Villages definition (see working document) in the Bulgarian CAP SP using CLLD/LEADER. Read Meeting Report.

29 May 2023
6th Taskforce meeting
Integrating Smart Villages in the CSP

The meeting was held in two parts on 29/05 and 05/06 with the purpose of developing proposals to modify the criteria for assessing CLLD strategies. The Taskforce developed and submitted to the BG MA of CAP SP a proposal to define Smart Villages criteria under CLLD,  reinforce through a letter and brief proposals to the BG MA of CAP SP for supporting some future steps for providing the institutional context of keeping the discussion on introducing the SV Concept in the BG CAP SPRead Meeting Report.

National Smart Villages Taskforce in Czechia

The Taskforce was based on the platform run by Atelier Czech Republic, which is a non-profit organisation formed by members of national working groups for rural development and for smart cities and the national LAGs platform. A special feature of the Czech Republic is its 6,258 municipalities, of which 5,800 have less than 3,000 inhabitants –  therefore, Smart Villages development is very important for the country. The Taskforce used a thematic angle to advance policy changes in the fields of energy communities, local businesses and medical services in rural areas.

Read the taskforce Action plan here
Read more about SV policies in Czechia here

Check the summary poster of the taskforce activities here

22 Jun 2023
1st Taskforce meeting
Thematic meeting on local businesses

Meeting was preceded by preparation of background document through desk research and field research on local rural businesses. A report was prepared and recommendations for Ministries of Regional Development and Industry and Trade how to support business development in smart villages were sent to these authorities. Information about the meeting was published on the national smart city website.

26 Sep 2023
2nd Taskforce meeting
Thematic meeting on Energy communities

Meeting was preceded by preparation of background document through desk research and several in-depth interviews. A report from the meeting was prepared with conclusions and recommendations for the Ministry of Industry and Trade and Information and has been published on the national smart city website.

30 Nov 2023
3rd Taskforce meeting
Thematic meeting on Medical Services

Meeting was preceded by preparation of background document through desk research and several in-depth interviews. A list of examples of good practice for the national website on smart city issues to be prepared ( and recommendations for applied research in this area (TA CR) to be given. You can read the recommendations in English and the meeting report.

National Smart Villages Taskforce in Cyprus

In Cyprus, the Deputy Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digital Policy is already supporting scientific research, investing in innovative entrepreneurship, implementing a digital transformation reform, and designing the “Smart Cyprus Platform”. The Deputy Ministry is expected to take ownership of the Smart Villages Policy, supported through the CAP Managing Authority. The Taskforce was expected to suggest specific CAP policy interventions, securing that duplications are avoided. The Taskforce was built in a way that most of the relevant interventions and funding schemes are represented.

Read the taskforce Action plan here
Read more about SV policies in Cyprus here

Check the summary poster of the taskforce activities here

19 Jan 2022
1st Taskforce meeting
Initial Meeting with the Stakeholders

During the meeting, the Deputy Ministry of Innovation presented the Cyprus Smart Cities Platform and the Strategy for Smart Cyprus, both also targeted at rural areas and communities. Participants highlighted that there is expertise, know-how and technologies in many municipalities. Read the report here (ENG).

17 Mar 2022
National Definition
Note on Smart Villages National Definition

The Note on the ’Definition of the Concept of Smart Rural Areas at the National Level’ was prepared as follow-up of the 1st Taskforce Meeting on Smart Villages, building on the outcomes of the meeting and discussions and perspectives of relevant stakeholders.

31 Aug 2022
Publication of a Survey
Defining the priorities on smart solutions

A ’Study on the Priorities of Rural Areas’ (GR version / Google translated EN version) on adopting smart solutions (inc. smart agriculture, smart waste management, smart energy, smart transport, e-health etc.) has been developed, including a local authority survey and its results.

25 Nov 2022
2nd Taskforce meeting
Smart Rural Communities and Next Steps

During the 2nd meeting (see report), the National Expert presented the results of the ’Study on the Priorities of Rural Areas’ and links with the Smart Cyprus Strategy and the Smart Cities Platform. The Smart City Officer of Nicosia presented its methodology of becoming a Smart City. The Taskforce members discussed relevant recent developments.

27 Mar- 5 Apr 2023
Five regional meetings
Regional Information Meetings

Five Regional Meetings for the "Implementation of Smart Rural Areas" (see EN press release) was organised by the Deputy Ministry of Research, Innovation & Digital Policy, supported by the Cyprus Communities Union and the National Rural Network, in the Galata (27/03/23), Skarinou (29/03/23), Trimiklini (30/03/23), Liopetri (03/04/23) and Tsada (05/04/23), covering all rural areas of Cyprus.

National Smart Villages Taskforce in Finland

The Taskforce followed discussions and developments around policies closely connected to Smart Villages, e.g. energy, fibber, innovations, digital transition in order to make proposals on future cooperation and programming. In order to mobilise the concept at the village level, the Taskforce aimed to integrate “smart village plans” in existing/ future village development plans that almost all 4000 Finnish villages have in some format. The Taskforce provided background information and supportive data to villages through the Finnish Village Movement, the regional NGOs and LAGs.

Read the taskforce Action plan here
Read more about SV policies in Finland here

Check the summary poster of the taskforce activities here

3 February 2022
Preparatory Taskforce meeting
Planning of Taskforce activities

Different rural stakeholders were invited to the Taskforce preparatory session. The overall framework of the taskforce was described and tasks planned. Read the meeting report here.

9 June 2022
2nd preparatory Taskforce meeting
Refining the Taskforce plan to members

The Smart Rural concept was explained to the Taskforce members and first tasks defined, namely to look into funding and horizontal aspects of local community development. Read meeting report here.

28 November 2022
1st Webinar
Webinar on energy efficient communities

A Webinar on Energy Efficient Commmunities was organised on actual legislation and future plans. Local stakeholders and officials participated in the event. Read meeting report here.

2 March 2023
3rd Taskforce Meeting
Taskforce meeting on the CAP & other funds

First (draft) results of the CAP-analysis were presented as well as findings from the Taskforce's work since the beginning. A presentation was given on potential ESF/ERDF tools for Smart Villages. Read meeting report here.

26 May 2023
2nd Webinar
Webinar on digital transition

The second webinar was about the digital transition for rural citizens. Transition issues were presented and discussed through case-studies and keynote speeches on artificial intelligence and local government roles, highlighting the importance of capacity-building. Read report here.

8 and 11 Sep 2023
4th Taskforce meeting
Reporting on key developments

In the 4th Taskforce meeting the report on the CAP-analysis was presented and a short questionnaire on smart villages was initiated. The role of partnerships in Smart Village development was discussed. Read meeting report here.

11 January 2024
5th Taskforce meeting
Survey results, policy proposals

The Final Webinar was planned and results of the survey of rural communities on Smart Villages, including policy proposals were presented. Read meeting report here.

11 March 2024
Final Webinar
Concluding webinar on overall results

The concluding webinar featured presentations on SR27 results at both European and national levels. Future policies, programmes and funding of Smart Villages and local rural development were tackled by panelists and participants. Read the meeting report here.

National Smart Villages Taskforce in Hungary

The main purpose of the Hungarian Taskforce was to help the planning and implementation of the dedicated Smart villages intervention and LEADER intervention for a more effective support for Smart Villages. Following initial consultations with the MA representatives, a capacity-building event was held for LEADER LAGs on Smart Villages in July 2023. Initially, further meetings and capacity-building actions with Smart Villages representatives were foreseen, however, these have been postponed by the Managing Authority, as it was considered to be too early in the process (calls expected by the end of 2024).

Read the taskforce Action Plan here
Read more about SV policies in Hungary here

Check the summary poster of the taskforce activities here

Jan to June 2023
Preparatory consultation
Meeting with MA to plan the Hungarian Taskforce

During the preparatory consultations the possible scope and activities of the Smart Rural 27 support activity were discussed, with particular focus on planning a LEADER capacity-building event as a first step.

11 July 2023
Stakeholder meeting
Workshop for LEADER LAGs

The workshop with the participation of the Hungrian MA, CAP Network and over 20 LAGs aimed to provide technical support regarding the relationship between Smart Village and LEADER, and how Smart Villages can be included in the Local Development Strategies and supported through ‘smart calls’. Read report here.

Oct 2023
Planning further taskforce activities
Discussions on the next steps & further support

Discussions on the next steps in the taskforce’s work in the light of the CAP implementation process. A meeting on planning of intervention was foreseen but later cancelled (considered to be too early in the process).

Apr-May 2024
Concluding taskforce activities
Regional workshop planning for LAGs

Upon the initiation of LAGs in Western Transdanubian Region, the planning of a regional Smart Villages capacity-building event started in cooperation with the MA (expected to be held in June 2024).

National Smart Villages Taskforce in Ireland

The taskforce in Ireland aims to advance the development of Smart Villages and related concepts by bringing together key national stakeholders. Over a 3-month period, the taskforce seeks to identify clear goals for implementation in the coming year, with a focus on standards, policies, and societal integration. Key objectives include initiating discussions on Irish Smart Village policy, identifying complementary initiatives, and defining next steps for improving the Smart Villages support framework.

Read the taskforce Action Plan here
Read more about SV policies in Ireland here

Check the summary poster of the taskforce activities here

13 February 2024
1st Taskforce meeting
Launch meeting to plan the Irish Taskforce

In the taskforce's launch meeting, stakeholders received insights into the Smart Rural Project and emphasised the importance of this taskforce in Ireland. The main objectives the taskforce wants to achieve were also laid out. Read Summary report here.

6 March 2024
2nd Taskforce meeting
Reviewing objectives & survey dissemination

The meeting aimed to review the task force's six objectives, encouraging discussions to assess their progress and effectiveness. Additionally, members participated in a survey designed to gather valuable feedback on how each objective was impacting and being implemented. Read Summary report here.

May 2024
3rd Taskforce meeting
Concluding the taskforce activities

A further meeting is planned on discussing the comprehensive overview of the report, sharing insights from other Smart Village Taskforces across the EU, and strategizing on disseminating findings to key stakeholders in Ireland.

National Smart Villages Taskforce in Latvia

The Smart Village approach is a new and an undiscovered concept for the communities in Latvia. The Taskforce aimed to bring together representatives of various sectors and interests from various regions, thus promoting a holistic view and understanding of the concept of Smart Villages to create a support system for the Smart Villages approach that goes wider than the CAP Strategic Plan 2023–2027.

Read the taskforce Action plan here
Read more about SV policies in Latvia here

Check the summary poster of the taskforce activities here

13 Apr 2023
1st Taskforce meeting
Kick-off meeting with stakeholders

The first Taskforce meeting involved various representatives with the aim of mobilising relevant stakeholders,  informing participating stakeholders about the Smart Village concept, definition and about the context of the Smart Rural Project. Read the meeting report. 

15 June 2023
2nd Taskforce meeting
Workshop within Latvian Rural Parliament

The workshop built on a shared vision of the concept of smart territories and relevant activities of the Latvian Rural Forum on Smart Villages development. Discussions on the added value of the concept of Smart Villages to existing local initiatives took place. Read the meeting report. 

10 Nov 2023
Capacity building event
Capacity building for LEADER LAGs 1/2

The workshop introduced the EU concept of Smart Villages, good practices, and results of the Smart Rural projects. Discussions took place on the role of LAGs in the development of Smart Villages, challenges and necessary support (including training) for the preparation of 'smart village strategies' and identification of a smart project. Read the meeting report.

26 Apr 2024
Capacity building event
Capacity building for LEADER LAGs 2/2


The purpose of the online workshop was to re-emphasise and discuss the role of Local Action Groups in the development of Smart Villages. The steps for working with active communities on the way of becoming SV were presented. Read the meeting report.

Mai 2024
Latvian LEADER LDSs analysis


In Latvian CAP SP Smart Villages (SV) are mentioned under LEADER intervention, but LAGs are free to choose whether and how to support SV. To better understand the support framework of SV through LEADER, an analysis of Latvian LDSs 2023-2027 was conducted. Read the analysis here.

National Smart Villages Taskforce in Poland

The purpose of the Taskforce in Poland was to help in using the opportunities created by CAP Strategic Plan 2023-2027, exploring the possibilities, and expanding the scope of financing the Smart Villages concept from various European funds and national sources and initiating technical assistance for interested parties. To achieve this purpose the Taskforce work also included the preparation of the guidebook on the Smart Village concept preparation and implementation in Poland. The guidebook also gives advice on how to tackle both digital aspects and environment and climate issues within Smart Villages.

Read the taskforce Action plan here
Read more about SV policies in Poland here

Check the summary poster of the taskforce activities here

Feb 2023
Preparatory meeting
Meeting with potential Taskforce members

Two preparatory meetings were held. The 1st meeting, for potential Taskforce members on the formation of the Polish Taskforce and the development of a Smart Villages LEADER Guidance. The 2nd meeting with Local Action Groups (LAGs) featured presentations on the Smart Rural 27 project and introduced the Taskforce concept.

9 Mar 2023
1st Taskforce meeting
Launching the Polish Taskforce

The 1st formal Taskforce meeting focused on leveraging opportunities in the CAP Strategic Plan to advance the Smart Village concept emphasising the need for a comprehensive support. Participants discussed the role of the Taskforce project to provide guidance and support for Smart Village initiatives, aiming to ensure vitality and positive development in rural areas nationwide. You can read the meeting report here.

16 Nov 2023
2nd Taskforce meeting
Supporting SVs at the local level

The meeting focused on the incorporation of the Smart Villages concept in local development strategies, possibilities of supporting Smart Villages from various sources, and methodological support by Local Action Groups. You can read the meeting report here.

May 2024
LEADER Guidance
Guide on Smart Villages for local stakeholders

Work on the Guide for Smart Villages (PL)- targeted at LAGs, local communities, provincial governments and other beneficiaries - began in 2023 and was completed by May 2024. It aims to provide a comprehensive insight into the concept of Smart Villages, including its significance, funding opportunities, and examples of initiatives from Poland and abroad. Read the Guide here (ENG).

National Smart Villages Taskforce in Portugal

The Taskforce targets a specific Integrated Territorial-based Intervention – The Programme for the Revitalisation of Pinhal Interior (PRPI). The Taskforce have for purpose to build awareness, promote, support, and enable the introduction of the Smart Villages concept and approach in the design and implementation of the Transforming project P09. Villages. by designing a conceptual framework that includes the Smart Villages concept and approach in the Transforming project. With the results of the Taskforce in this specific territorial context it is expected that the work carried out can be expanded to the regional and national levels.

Read the taskforce Action plan here
Read more about SV policies in Portugal here

Check the summary poster of the taskforce activities here

20 Dec 2022
1st Taskforce meeting
Kick-off taskforce meeting

The initial Taskforce meeting was to inform stakeholders about the Smart Rural projects and the objectives of the Taskforce under PRPI, specifically under the transforming project P09. Villages. The perspectives and expectations of the stakeholders were discussed. Read the Meeting Report

15 Feb 2023
2nd Taskforce meeting
Discussion of the workplan and inputs

Discussion and approval of the work plan for the working group of the PRPI Thematic Domain Tourism and Territorial Marketing (acting as a Taskforce). The need for a more in-depth debate on the SV approach was highlighted, taking into account the territorial policy instrument and discussing potential further inputs from Smart Rural 27. Read the Meeting Report.

27 Apr 2023
3rd Taskforce meeting
SV as an inspiration for strategic planning

The "Smart Villages" concept was adopted as an inspiration for the strategic planning and implementation of 'P09. Villages' and discussion started on the key elements of an implementation model, and further steps for its operationalisation (including expression of interest from rural communities to be part of a Village Network under P09). Read the Meeting Report.

15 May 2023
4th Taskforce meeting
Conceptual framework of Smart Villages

Further discussion on how to integrate Smart Villages in the implementation of 'P09. Villages'. Discussion took place on the main areas of investment for the Village Plans, and the meeting contributed to drafting the Expression of Interest and criteria for rural communities that aim to be a part of the Network supported by P09. Read the Meeting Report.

28 Jun 2023
Additional meeting
Supporting LAGs in realising Smart Villages

Meeting organised with Federation Minha Terra  included a presentation on the Smart Villages concept. Approaches were discussed to support the implementation of SV within Local Development Strategies (LDSs), recognising an immediate need for guidance. A "Proposal for Integrating Smart Villages into LDSs of LEADER/CLLD." was made by the national expert. Read the Meeting Report.

12 Jul 2023
Additional meeting
Smart Villages in LAG "RIBATEJO NORTE"

Participatory discussion and introduction to Smart Villages for the Local Development Strategy of the LAG Ribatejo Norte with the objective of sharing ideas between associations, municipalities, companies, and other institutional partners. Read the Meeting Report.

Sept 2023 - May 2024
Taskforce meeting & SV Agenda
Smart Villages Agenda for Pinhal Interior

Discussions elaborated on the thematic areas of interventions that could benefit more from the Smart Villages approach (including a dedicated intervention within  ‘People, Social, Innovation, demography and Housing’). It has later been decided to develop a Territorial Smart Villages Agenda for the region with SR27 support that can be the basis of planning future interventions.