Smart Villages support in Netherlands

How is the concept of Smart Villages defined?

No formal definition of ‘Smart Villages’ in the Netherlands.

Is digital a key feature of Smart Villages?

Digital is not a key aspect.

Is social innovation a key feature of Smart Villages?

No specific information available on this aspect.

How is the CAP supporting Smart Villages?

Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality


CAP SP 2023-2027 Factsheet

CAP 2014-2022

Indirectly, no specific Smart Villages intervention.


CAP 2023-2027

No specific Smart Villages interventions identified at the moment.

Netwerk Platteland


Thamar Kok, NRN contact person LEADER


CAP Network support

No specific network activities on Smart Villages have been identified.

Network is very supportive in sharing Smart Villages knowledge & information.

How are other policies supporting Smart Villages?

Only to some extent/ indirectly.

Smart Rural 27 – Smart Villages Taskforce

No taskforce is set up yet

Smart Villages in Netherlands

Want to get involved or know more on what Smart Rural 27 is doing in Netherlands? Contact us!

Last update: May 30, 2022