
In order to collaborate with the people of Molenlanden to create a sustainable municipality, the Foundation Sustainable Molenlanden was founded. It fosters connections among citizens, initiatives, and projects centered around Energy Transition, Biodiversity, Climate Adaptation, and Circularity. The foundation facilitates the exchange of knowledge and expertise to inspire collaboration within the community. It highlights sustainable projects and initiatives undertaken by residents of Molenlanden, aiming to encourage others in the community to take action. This ability to motivate and mobilize Molenlanders is the strength of the Sustainable Molenlanden Foundation




inner peripheries

Degree of urbanization


population of 43909

Check out the village strategy:

Village Solutions


More vegetation in our gardens and streets means more space to absorb extreme rain showers caused by the changing climate. Vegetation also reduces heat stress. In addition, gardens with more vegetation become important ecological stepping stones for insects and birds, and contribute to the quality of life in streets and neighborhoods. With this solution we raise awareness among citizens that they themselves can do much to improve biodiversity and encourage them to actively work on greening their own living environment.


Contact Information

Duurzaam Molenlanden,

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