
Trofaiach is located in an alpine basin at 650 meters above sea level and was merged with two neighboring communities in 2013. Historically influenced by the nearby ore mining and iron processing, there are strong ties to the metallurgical industry. The city is valued for living quality close to nature and offers a family-friendly infrastructure. An intensive process of change has been in progress for 10 years in order to equip the city for the challenges of the future. Various strategies and development models were introduced with the strong participation of the population and experts. Among other things, a concept to strengthen the town center.Work is currently continuing on the ISEK/integrated urban development concept as a smart city.




mountains, sparsely populated areas

Degree of urbanization

Town or suburb

population of 11117

Village Solutions

City center development

Trofaiach started the inner city development process in 2015 to counteract the problem of increasing vacancies and the deserted inner city.
Local people were stongly involved in this process. A brochure was published.


Agenda 2030

In 2020, Trofaiach committed to the United Nations' 2030 Agenda. This is intended to preserve a liveable city with wonderful nature and the environment for all existing and future generations.

Environment | Living

ISEK/Integrated Urban Development Concept

The integrated urban development concept is a specification of the existing urban development concept with the aim of concrete implementation measures. It is a pilot project in the state of Styria with the financial participation of the federal and state governments. In addition to a classic ISEK, all urban development topics are integrated and a "smart village concept" is created at the same time.


Contact Information

Municipality of Trofaiach,

Coordinator integrated development strategy – ISEK Biberich Erich,