
We are a village 35 km away from our capital Prague with 2500 permanent inhabitants (and some 500 residents who have houses in the village, but are not officially registered here). Our municipality consists of three formerly independent villages: Mukařov-Buda – an ancient settlement with our church, school, medical centre and shops laying at the crossroads of traditional trading routes, Srbín – a former agricultural village with extensive recent construction of new family houses, and Žernovka – a village known for its stonemasonry tradition.
Most of our working-age citizens commute to work outside the municipality. One of our aims is to improve communication and linkages between our citizens and the local government administration. Among others, we would like to improve e-governance practices, allowing flexibility in administration for citizens who are not in the village during working hours (due to every-day commuting).

Digital Services Cluster Member

An online payment portal and incentive system for waste management has been introduced. All citizens can check and pay their municipal fees online (via e-identity) and all households have their waste management accounts so the the consumers and the municipality can follow the waste production of the households online.The village has further plans to introduce the electronic recordings of the municipal council and board meetings, improvement of management of water resources (including measuring of the consumption) and engagement of teenagers into the village digital communication.




not specific

Degree of urbanization


population of 2619

Check out the village strategy:

Village Solutions

Improve the efficiency of the governance processes and open the office for online communication

The municipality office would like to provide as much as possible services online – starting with personal accounts dedicated to the payment of fees, and maintenance of personal agendas. We need to make the communication with the local citizens more friendly and involve them deeper to the municipality matter
We have to seek an optimal balance between the ready-made solutions that have been launched and are secured by the state administration, and own, tailor-made applications. Broadband connection, enhanced municipal website, cloud accounting and finance management system

Governance | Mobility & connectivity

Active Citizens’ participation in community projects

The municipality has been developing its strategic plan for more than ten years, this year (2020) for the first time tests the participative projects – ideas of enhancement the public space proposed and chosen by local inhabitants. The strategic development plan needs the continuous review and feedback from the public, and the participative projects need a tool to be implemented and reviewed. We need to develop a systematic approach to monitoring feelings and opinions of the local citizens and a tool how to involve them to the project management process

Governance | Mobility & connectivity

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