
A village consisting of two settlements, Mniszek and Nowe Marzy, divided into four parts by motorways with a nearby geographical barrier, the Vistula River. In the village, community work is undertaken through the use of social innovation and new solutions. The aim is to provide the best possible living space for the inhabitants and to equalise the standard of living in comparison to city dwellers. Particularly helpful is the technological progress that has taken place in recent years and the possibility to use digital skills, and modern technology in everyday life in the village. Activities are focused on four important spheres of village life:
• social sphere - education (acquisition of new skills through training, workshops, study trips), sport - (organisation of sports competitions), spending time together and integrating, caring for the needy and elderly people of the village,
• cultural sphere - traditions, customs, rituals, respect for the history of the place where we live "Little Homeland", artistic creation - handicraft, theatrical performances, competitions, performances,
• the ecological sphere, i.e. a tribute to the place we live in, surrounded by forests and rivers, care for nature, recycling, upcycling,
• the economic sphere - the creation of investment areas, the proximity of the motorway has helped economic development, and the work to create a themed village and a community centre with a wide range of workshops.




not specific

Degree of urbanization


population of 235

Check out the village strategy:

Village Solutions

Caught in the village web

Creation of websites or fan pages of particular villages by e-volunteers (inhabitants of given villages) and posting basic information concerning the life of the village, promotion of activities and actions in the village - these workshops could take place thanks to earlier training conducted by Lighthouse Keepers of Digital Poland; training for e-volunteers on creating and managing a fan page on FB, copyright, creation of graphics, basic video processing, publishing on the Internet, management of the website thanks to the platform, organisation of online work in editorial teams

Governance | Mobility & connectivity


Familiarising the elderly and children with electronic novelties: smartphones, digital cameras, e-books, tablets. It is at intergenerational meetings that older and younger people can exchange their knowledge. As a result, we have more than once been able to hold activities where the young participants introduce the older generation to the digital world. Thanks to the implementation of projects, we have equipped our common room with a 3D printer, robotics equipment (LEGO MINDSTROMS), laptops and a drone. The result of the workshops is a multimedia publication with the written history of the village and important events recorded in the Community Chronicles.

Mobility & connectivity | People

Żem je Kociewiak”- launching the Kociewie EtnoDesign

Learning about the ethnography and culture of the Kociewie region in which the village is situated. Everyone could familiarise themselves with their regional identity. Finding traits of tradition, dialects, and Kociewie dishes, which still exist in the everyday life of the village and of each family, but are increasingly being lost. Children and young people learn about their own identity. Familiarising children and young people with the culture of Kociewie, rituals and customs of the Kociewie region - joint cultivation of festivals and rituals.

Living | People

Contact Information

Mniszek Village, Dragacz Municipality,

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