Smart Villages support in Malta

How is the concept of Smart Villages defined?

No formal definition of ‘Smart Villages’ in Malta.

Is digital a key feature of Smart Villages?

No specific information available on this aspect.

Is social innovation a key feature of Smart Villages?

No specific information available on this aspect.

How is the CAP supporting Smart Villages?

CAP Managing Authority


CAP SP 2023-2027 Factsheet

CAP 2014-2022

No specific Smart Villages intervention identified.

CAP 2023-2027

No specific Smart Villages intervention identified to date.

CAP Network support

No specific network activities on Smart Villages identified.

How are other policies supporting Smart Villages?

Interreg Malta – Office of the Prime Minister Funds and Programmes Division


Abigail Camilleri, Director Funds


Maria Elena Muscat, Programme Manager EU Funds


Indirect support:

There is no direct support for Smart Villages, however there is a number of strategies and funding streams supporting smart and innovative solutions, including projects implemented by municipalities (local councils).

Interreg: ThreeT project (1 Jun 2018 to 30 Nov 2022) focused on improving the performance of eight policy instruments to protect and enhance natural and cultural heritage. It set up thematic trails or improved existing ones, making them accessible to all through green modes of transport and readily available information (including smart solution/technology). The ultimate aim was to maximise the eco-tourism potential of heritage sites by implementing an Action Plan. Several Maltese local councils – including rural – participated in the project.

Digital Malta is the national Information Communication Technology Strategy. It provides a vision for “a digitally enabled country empowering its people, communities and entrepreneurs through the intelligent and universal use of ICT”. It is about making citizens’ lives better, improving community services and helping enterprises to flourish and become more competitive through ICT.

The Strategy is built upon three vertical pillars: citizens; business; and government, and supported by a suite of enabling/driving forces: regulation and legislation; infrastructure; and human capital.

Digital Strategic Roadmap for Tourism in the Maltese Islands 2030

Smart Rural 27 – Smart Villages Taskforce

No taskforce is set up yet

Smart Villages in Malta

Want to get involved or know more on what Smart Rural 27 is doing in Malta? Contact us!

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Last update: November 14, 2022