Sant Pere de Torelló

Sant Pere de Torelló is an inland village of about 2500 inhabitants. A biomass-fired thermal power plant and municipal heating network was installed 25 years ago. The municipality was a pioneer in the implementation of its municipal heat network system in the 80s, which was and still is an extremely unusual practice in the Mediterranean countries. Following that path, a very ambitious plan has been developed for the municipal energy transition between 2019 and 2030. By that time the village will be 100% self-sufficient in terms of energy, coming from renewable and local sources.




mountains, sparsely populated areas

Degree of urbanization


population of 2419

Village Solutions

COSPES, a citizen energy cooperative to achieve Energy Transition

Creation of the citizen cooperative for the energy transition of Sant Pere de Torelló, COSPES, SCCL. With the support of the City Council it is a very ambitious strategy that was defined to achieve a reduction in energy consumption and energy dependence. The aim of the cooperative is also to ensure the continuity of projects regardless of political mandates and to ensure to reach their objective that is to reduce the CO2 emissions around 48,5% in comparisson of 2019.
First steps:
- Project of photovoltaic roofs for shared self-consumption
- Housing Energy Rehabilitation Program.
- Citizen Photovoltaic Park (with the City Council).

Economy | Environment | Services

Contact Information

Sant Pere de Torelló Municipality,

Councilman of energy transition & environment Llobet Ermen,