Piaseczna Górka / Morawica community

Piaseczna Górka is a village located approximately 10 km from Kielce city in the Świętokrzyskie province, within Morawica municipality. The village is home to 657 residents, a population that has quadrupled over the last 20 years. One of the primary challenges facing Piaseczna Górka is local flooding. This issue is compounded by ongoing development, characterized by the construction of new buildings each year and an influx of new residents. Consequently, the process of urbanization diminishes rainwater retention, thereby increasing the risk of flooding. The overarching vision is to transform the village into a flood-free area. In pursuit of this goal, the village mayor, alongside the residents, is systematically implementing measures to mitigate the risk of flooding.




not specific

Degree of urbanization

population of 657

Check out the village strategy:

Village Solutions

Free share point ‘Po – Dzielnia’

The aim of the project is to give second life to used (still good) things by creating a point of free share of good things in line with promoting the idea of 'zero waste’. 'Po – Dzielnia' is located in a replica of a telephone booth (second in our village), located in the center of the village on a public plot, next to the playground. Residents instead of throwing away still working things - give them to the booth so that others will give them a second life.

Environment | People

A network of can collection containers

The main goal of this project is to reduce the amount of municipal waste handed over by households to the municipal waste collection system and educating adults and children on waste segregation. We have set up our network of 14 'Can collection containers' in 10 villages/towns in the area of 3 communes.The funds obtained from the sale are allocated to statutory objectives of our association, in the field of ecology. Containers are for the collection of beverage, canned and pet food cans (segregated into metal and aluminum)


Rain Gardens and ‘water garbage catcher’ to prevent local flooding

In 2017 and 2021 we set up 2 rain gardens to prevent local flooding, increase rainwater retention, i.e. retain water in the native soil, mitigate the effects of drought, and increase biodiversity., attracts birds and useful insects. In 2022 we completed the project 'garbage catcher'. Its task is to catch both anthropogenic and biological garbage flowing along the road in the ditch. The collected garbage does not block the outflow of rainwater, thanks to which we prevent periodic flooding in Piaseczna Górka and pollution of natural water reservoirs. Partly financed by the sale of cans.

Environment | Living

Contact Information

Stowarzyszenie Mieszkańców Piasecznej Górki ‘Z Górki’, stowarzyszenie.zgorki@gmail.com

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