
Ostana is an Occitan multi-centric settlement in the north-western Alps, in the Po valley, facing the Monviso mountain in Italy. In 1921 there were 1 200 inhabitants. At the end of the 20th century only six were left with a depopulation rate of 99,5%. Nowadays, the inhabitants count 50 permanent ones, while in the summer and high season this number grows to 500 tourists and second-home owners in total. T
Over the years, Ostana was able to attract a network of qualified supporters and build a system of competences and alliances from outside the valley. A small and tough community created the conditions for a better life, including work around architectural renovation, providing services to the inhabitants, developing cultural projects, and taking care of the deployment of renewable energy, agriculture and forest management.

New ways of living Youth, Culture & New entrepreneurship

Along with the natural alpine environment, public spaces and the ongoing projects (co-working spaces, library, educational facilities) Ostana aims to attract new qualified inhabitants with different competencies. Ostana is not only a beautiful touristic destination, but also can be a nice place for farmers, local enterprises, professionals, researchers who can do smart working and are looking for a healthier and more relaxing environment. Ostana's goal is to become a living laboratory for the new ways of living in the Italian Alps. The village wants to test strategies to attract new residents that can be replicated in marginal, alpine and rural areas in Italy and Europe.


Factsheet of Ostana





Degree of urbanization


population of 89

Village Solutions

Ostana Green Community

In order to provide a sustainable way of living and the better management of local resources several actions has been implemented in the past years: Public street lamps powered by solar and wind energy; solar panels on the municipality’s rooftop; geothermal and solar energy for the wellness center and for the Mizoun de la Villo (bakery, medical facilities); shuttle bus during events. To decrease CO2 emissions and overcrowding during the summer season Ostana intends to develop a new mobility model based on wider use of electric mobility, creation of a local car pooling system, installation of new infrastructure for recharging electric bikes and the creation of new interchange areas for intermodal mobility. With the Suppport of Smart Rural 21 project a Smart mobility plan in order to overcome the mobility challenges was developed


Lou Pourtoun cultural center

In 2012, the municipality decided toto create an innovative centre combining cultural production and civic engagement. The construction of the Lou Pourtoun’ cultural center was carried out by local enterprises, coordinated by the Politecnico of Turin The creation of an innovative cultural centre is part of a wider strategy fostering the creation of a renewed community spirit,n 2020, the newly born social enterprise VISO A VISO succeeded in the management of Lou Pourtoun cultural centre and the ethnographic museum bringing new collaborations aimed to increase the cultural offer all-year long through musical and theatre performances, co-working spaces, contemporary art exhibitions, movie screenings, advanced training courses for Institutes and Universities, workshops, superior craftsmanship showroom, BAO. Biblioteca Aperta di Ostana (Ostana Open Library)-community library for kids and adults. VISO A VISO manages the center in dialogue with the Municipality and in accordance with community development principles and good governanc


Collective and sustainable forest management

In the past years Ostana has been involved in different projects regarding collective and sustainable forest management and local wood supply chain valorisation. The projects, funded through different regional and European calls (Rural development plan, Life Climate Action) or managed on a voluntary basis, aim at launching a new model of forest management capable of including social, climatic and economic objectives and needs


Contact Information

Municipality of Ostana, Viso a viso, ostana@unionemonviso.it

Alberti Enrica, enrica.alberti@visoaviso.it