Neeme village

Neeme village is located in the northern part of one of the smallest articulated coastlines of Northern Estonia, the Ihasalu Peninsula. As far back as is known, fishing, to some extent the hunting of seals and agricultural activity have been the main sources of livelihood for the local population. It is a typical fishing village. After Estonia regained independence, the village has grown steadily. Over the years, many young families have moved here, thanks to which life has flourished again. Neeme kindergarten and school are highly valued among parents, community is active. In the village there are high-quality restaurants such as Ruhe Restaurant, Wana Kala Kõrts and Neeme Pood & Café established by locals. The cape has very good access from the sea, because there is a decent small port. The port does not currently offer services to tourists. However, the location is favorable for tourism - the nearest small ports of the Neeme are in Kaberneeme, Koljunuk, but also in Vainul, Rohuneeme, Prangli. The summer recreational sea traffic on small vessels has gained momentum as a trend.





Degree of urbanization


population of 321

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Village Solutions

Neeme Grocery Shop

In 2017, a local store was reopened in the village of Neeme - a small village by the sea regained its "heart". 35 km from Tallinn, in the village of Neeme, on the Ihasalu peninsula, there is a shop which almost has been operating unchanged since 1931, ie for 89 years until 2014. Keeping a shop in such a small village, given the size of the community (registered population 300) in addition to the unregistered population and holidaymakers) was exceeding the critical mass of the consumer population, which
gave hope for the success of the project. Renovation work was done in 2016-2017. The aim of the company was to renovate the building into a shop that meets modern conditions and a café with a room on the second floor for community activities. An addition café was built with “museum corner” reflecting the history of Neeme and Ihasalu villages with interesting pictures and finds.

Economy | Living | People | Services

Neeme Village Cinema

Neeme Village Cinema is planned to be established in cooperation with Neeme Grocery Shop & Café. Neeme Grocery Shop & Café has a large enough building to carry out this activity. The store has a second floor with an area of 120 m2 where it is possible to place 60 chairs to watch the cinema. The aim of the activity is to create a new capacity for Neeme village. The Village Cinema can be used for various purposes: community thematic movies, study movies, popular movies; "morning cinema" for young families where children can play, watch cartoons and families can interact; organise seminars and trainings. The most important impact of the Neeme Village Cinema is to be a community communication platform.

Contact Information

NGO Neeme Coast Guard Society,

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