
Bertrix is a municipality assembling 5 villages (Auby-sur-Semois, Bertrix, Cugnon, Jehonville, Orgeo) in the Luxembourg Province of Belgium. The whole 5 villages has around 12,500 inhabitants on 137,7 km2 out of which 41,03 % of farming land and 48,86 % of forests.
The Municipality of Bertrix has made new technologies (smart village) a main focus of its Declaration of municipal policy 2018-2024.


Belgium Wallonia


sparsely populated areas

Degree of urbanization


population of 8760

Village Solutions

Participatory budget web platform

The Municipality of Bertrix has chosen to set up a participatory budget web platform with the company Fluicity. This platform will allow all citizens, in particular young people and the active population not represented in the commissions, to propose project ideas which will be submitted to the vote of the population. The project having collected the maximum number of votes will be financed by a determined municipal budget.

Contact Information

Comune di Bertix,

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