
Arvieu is a small village located in the Occitanie Region, in France. Despite a rich heritage, the village was suffering from desertification and a lack of opportunities. In the 2000s, it changed with the installation of the cooperative Laëtis, specialized in digital. Thanks to several initiatives (creation of a third place, accessibility of new services, organization of several events...) initiated by its members, the life of the village starts again. Inhabitants are also included in the local life through public meetings, to discuss about municipal policies and decisions.





Degree of urbanization


population of 800

Village Solutions

The digital third-place “Le Jardin d’Arvieu”

The third-place was built through citizen’s participation and public-private partnership, to reverse the phenomenon of desertification in rural areas. The 1000 m2 third-place with a broadband internet connection, includes co-working rooms, spaces for training, conferences and all the needed services for the implantation of new citizens or companies in the area. This third-place brings together a digital room and a shared workspace in which there are private, shared offices, meeting rooms, relaxation room and where seminars, conferences or training can be organized. All these services are a way to transform the village into “the place to be” for local companies and citizens.

Economy | People | Services

Contact Information

Arvieu Municipality,

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