
Älvbyarna are a cluster of six villages situated by the Kyrö river in Korsholm, Finland. The name means the river villages, and is not an official name, but one used also in official contexts. The names of the villages are Veikars, Anixor, Voitby, Martois, Staversby and Miekka. The villages are specialised in transition activities and are known for their innovativeness, openness and that the people in the village volunteer for community supporting activities. There is a market garden and a summer café and many annual events. Activities in sports and music are also arranged on regular basis. Älvbyarna wants to be inclusive and be a good place to live and visit for all ages. The village is piloting local energy solutions, too, during 2023. A road map for a smart food hub towards 2050 will be finished by August 2023 and their local development plan towards 2030 will be updated. They are likely make a Smart village plan out of our local development plan. In addition to this, a group of mostly retired people run a private church and we have a photo project on nordic mythological creatures since they connect to the area and the name of the villages in Swedish. An association also runs a music school and employs one person in order to arrange after school activities for children

Renewable Energy Cluster Member

The initial steps are taken by having certain targets as a part of the visions and plans, but also by starting the pilot project in the villages as part of the RIPEET project in Ostrobothnia. This pilot will investigate the options available for the old hydropower plant and local energy production, a possible business model for it, and other sustainable energy production options for heating the former school, which the village association wants to buy. Creating an online system for deciding which energy system is a good option for a building is also part of this pilot. The pilot timeframe is January 2023-January 2024. Their aim to find an ecological option for using old hydropower plant to produce green energy: the energy production would be used locally, to possibly heat the former school buildings and to identify other alternatives for green energy for the school building as well as options for large houses owned by associations in the area, and the rest of the region. House owners are also interested in both green energy options to heat their own houses of various sizes and ages, and to find means to make transportation greener. Village vision for 2050 mentions the wish to identify collective innovative energy solutions, which would enable having one of the lowest carbon footprints on a national level. To do that, developing knowledge on green energy, and looking into suitable options and needs for the area has to be done now to reach the set target.




not specific

Degree of urbanization


population of 700

This village has no publishable strategy.

Village Solutions


Älvboden is a summer café where young people get a summer job, learn to make icecream themselves,make their own pastries and learn to work in a café. Local food producers also sell their produce through the café and Älvboden is an important meeting place for middle aged people and older people. It is situated by a playground and the boule ground used by the retired people in the villages.

Economy | People | Services

Älvbyarnas market garden

Älvbyarnas market garden is a vegetable and flower producing company. It is ecological, using permaculture and the no dig method as a means of producing and selling vegetables. Local youngsters get a summer job helping on the vegetable patch and the market garden participates in events such as the Open Garden days in Finland and Local food day. The aim except for producing vegetables in a sustainable fashion and selling them is also to be socially inclusive and a local meeting point for people interested in gardening and growing food.

Environment | People | Services

Contact Information

Älvbyarna i Östra Korsholm rf, alvbyarna@gmail.com

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Organisation managing the strategy