Smart Villages support in Sweden

How is the concept of Smart Villages defined?

No formal definition of ‘Smart Villages’ in Sweden.

Is digital a key feature of Smart Villages?

No specific information available on this aspect.

Is social innovation a key feature of Smart Villages?

No specific information available on this aspect.

How is the CAP supporting Smart Villages?

CAP Managing Authority (Swedish Board of Agriculture)


CAP SP 2023-2027 Factsheet

CAP 2014-2022

Indirectly, no specific Smart Villages intervention


CAP 2023-2027

Indirectly, no specific Smart Villages intervention.


The LEADER Local Action Groups (LAGs) might support the development of Smart Village strategies and the implementation of Smart Village projects.

CAP Network support

Specific networking activities are organised on Smart Villages

Smart Villages Thematic Group: ongoing for two years. Its activity plan focuses on: 1. a method or toolkit helping villages to develop smart strategies; 2. collecting good examples; 3. multi-level cooperation; 4. supporting skills and competence development; 5. digital infrastucture and the digital divide; 6. learning from others. The members represent various rural development practitioners.

How are other policies supporting Smart Villages?

No other policies specifically supporting Smart Villages have been identified at this stage.

The European Social Fund (ESF) is supporting “new, innovative and more effective solutions for challenges like social inclusion, job market, education and capacity building.” The ESF also provides support for capacity building in very sparsely populated areas in Northern Sweden.

The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) has no specific support designated for Smart Villages.


Please find further information about Smart Villages support in Sweden on the Smart Rural 21 project’s Sweden country page.

Smart Rural 27 – Smart Villages Taskforce

Information will follow soon.

Smart Villages in Sweden

Want to get involved or know more on what Smart Rural 27 is doing in Sweden? Contact us!

Last update: September 28, 2022