Smart Villages support in Poland

How is the concept of Smart Villages defined?

Smart Villages can be understood as communities that do not want to wait for changes to come. Smart villages are made up of people from rural areas who take the initiative to find practical solutions to the problems they face and take advantage of opportunities, both in the areas of new digital technologies as well as social innovation in services, creating relationships with urban areas, building and increasing awareness of climate change, which will contribute to the creation of a more friendly place to live. Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Presentation by Joanna Gierulska

Is digital a key feature of Smart Villages?

Digital aspects are important for Smart Villages. The smart solutions supported will need to take into account the use of digital and telecommunications technologies or better use of knowledge.

Is social innovation a key feature of Smart Villages?

Social innovation is an important feature of the concept. The smart solutions supported need to demonstrate benefit to the local community, incl. improvement the quality of life, increasing the quality of local services or security, respecting the environment and climate, problems of underinvestment, ageing society, depopulation, insufficient employment, digital exclusion.

The ‘Smart Village’ concepts (‘strategic plans’) need to ensure the participation of the inhabitants during the process of the preparation of the SV concept (active involvement of the community in its preparation), including consultation with the community.

How is the CAP supporting Smart Villages?

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development – Department of Common Rural Policy


CAP SP 2023-2027 Factsheet

CAP 2014-2022

Yes, direct support to Smart Villages.

Preparatory support was implemented under the 2014-2020 Rural Development Programme, transitional period:

  • LAGs received additional funds for the preparation of the Smart Villages concept;
  • Inhabitants had the opportunity to apply for support for the preparation of the SV concept through LAGs;

Preparatory support under umbrella projects: a lump sum of 4000 PLN (approx. €1000) / concept  / area up to 20 000 inhabitants (or several towns with a total population of less than 20 000 inhabitants)

CAP 2023-2027

Yes, direct support to Smart Villages:


Preparatory support under LEADER will be maintained.

In addition, if the LEADER Local Action Group (LAG) foresees preparation of ‘Smart Village’ concepts in its Local Development Strategy (LDS), the projects being part of ‘Smart Village’ concepts will receive extra points in calls organised by LAGs.

  • Specific intervention

It is also planned to implement a pilot specific intervention aimed at supporting the implementation of projects described in the ‘Smart Village’ concepts developed during the preparatory phase with or without support granted under LEADER. Selection criteria for the Smart Villages pilot projects will concern the following: impact to village development, innovation, digital solutions proposed, maturity of proposed solutions, economic aspects of the project.

The beneficiaries may be local government units, their associations or company of a local government unit, as local partners, who were involved in the creation of the concept.

The amount of aid: 1 500 000 – 10 000 000 PLN (~ €320 000 – €2,100,000).

Aid intensity: up to 75%, but not less than 30%

It is planned to finance one ‘Smart Villages’ concept in each voivodeship as a start.

Polish National Rural Network


Paweł Krzeczunowicz, Director


CAP Network support

Yes, several Smart Village activities organised by the network.

  • Communication: information and support to villages, rural areas and institutions on several initiatives and programmes, such as LEADER/CLLD.
  • Smart Villages awards: three editions of the “My Smart Village” call for projects, organised jointly with the Institute of Rural and Agricultural Development of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

How are other policies supporting Smart Villages?

No other policies supporting Smart Villages have been identified at this stage.


Please find further information about Smart Villages support in Poland on the Smart Rural 21 project’s Poland country page.

Smart Rural 27 – Smart Villages Taskforce

A National Smart Villages Taskforces have been set up in Poland

To read more about the taskforce, click here

Smart Villages in Poland

Want to get involved or know more on what Smart Rural 27 is doing in Poland? Contact us!

Last update: November 10, 2022