Expression of interest to be part of the Smart Villages geomapping tool

The Smart Rural 27 project is collecting and sharing information about existing smart villages and villages-in-transition through the geomapping tool. The tool was launched, including information about the villages selected under the Smart Rural 21 project, and will be continuously enhanced with information about smart villages. Villages can express their interest in being included in…


Smart Village Taskforces are being set up

The Smart Rural 27 project is in the process of setting up taskforces in Member States with the aim of facilitating exchange about Smart Villages, and more specifically advance the implementation of concrete Smart Villages (policy) support tools. Smart Rural 27 national experts – based on consultations with a wide range of stakeholders – have…


The Smart Rural 27 project website launched

The Smart Rural 27 project website was launched on 20 December 2021. Key information is now published on the website about the Smart Rural 27 project, Smart Villages policies in Member States. A geomapping tool is being launched where information about smart villages and villages-in-transition across Europe can be found. The website will provide regular…
